Matthew Brando
Full Stack Web Developer
About Me

I am a fullstack web developer located in northeastern Pennsylvania. Previously, I graduated from Bloomsburg Univerity of Pennsylvania obtaining a Computer Science undergraduate degree. Since then I have received my Master's in Information Technology. I independently worked with several coding languages before settling on the Javascript stack of technology that I use today. I am always looking for a challenge and to increase my knowledge in the ever expanding realm of web development.

View Resume

The following is a list of technologies that I have worked with extensively (not a complete list):

Portfolio Projects
GW2 High Command Project
GW2 High Command

The GW2 High Command app is a guild management application for guild leaders who play the highly popular MMORPG, Guild Wars 2. The app includes views to look at general guild stats, player stats, and established team stats for each guild the leader owns. Also included is a real time guild log and a task management to-do list. This app uses the GW2 API extensively.

Click here for the demo | Click here for the code

Coach Assistant Project
Coach Assistant

The Coach Assistant app is a tool to make a soccer coach's job easier when it comes to keeping track of players and rostering them. The app includes a visual drag and drop functionality for rostering players for the selected team. Players and different formations can be added as need and saved to be viewed/used at a later date.

Click here for the demo | Click here for the code

Travel Plan Project
Travel Companion

The Travel Companion app is a tool used for planning a trip as well as being a helpful tool to use while on a trip. Travel Companion enables you to search locations and find interesting events, entertainment, places, and visually stunning atmosphere. Also included is a translator that can help you brush up on the native language or be your personal translator as a last resort.

Click here for the demo | Click here for the code

GW2 High Command
GW2 High Command
Description: App used to manage your guild for the Guild Wars 2 MMORPG
Coach Assistant
Coach Assistant
Description: App used to manage your soccer team's roster
Travel Companion
Travel Companion
Description: App used to aid you when you travel by helping you locate scenery, entertainment, and events in a selected area. The app also includes a translator for the dominant language in an area.
Contact Information

If there is further information that I can provide or if there are any open opportunities, please feel free to contact me.

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